Are Fruit Gummies Safe for Toddlers?

Cheerios or another similar O-shaped cereal are a classic snack for babies and toddlers because they are easy to pick up and eat with their little fingers. Introducing fish at 6 months is possible, but it is important to keep in mind some tips. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies raisins as a risk of suffocation for babies aged 6 to 12 months due to their chewable and small round shape. When it comes to fruit snacks, some of them are prepared with fruit juice, but not in a significant amount.

Some of them are made with fruit juice concentrate, which is more of a sweetener than real fruit. Therefore, fruit snacks should not be considered a serving of fruit as they don't have the fiber or texture of real fruit. This means that children who eat fruit snacks are not learning to like fruits, but rather gummies. One of the main reasons parents turn to fruit snacks as an alternative is because they are an easy and fun way to get their children to eat fruit. Young children are known for their demanding eating habits, but with some creative planning, it is possible to include fruit in their diet.

Fruit snacks made with natural fruit can last around six months, while sugary, gummy fruit snacks have an indicated shelf life of one year. Fruit snacks are not equivalent to real fruit, even though they are made from real fruit, and they teach your child to prefer gummies over whole fruits. Generally, they have a very high sugar content and are chewy candies made with a limited amount of fruit juice.