Which Candy Has the Lowest Sugar Content?

Do you have a sweet tooth but want to keep your sugar intake to a minimum? If so, you're not alone. Many people are looking for healthier alternatives to satisfy their cravings without overloading on sugar. Fortunately, there are some candies that contain less sugar than others. SmartSweets Gummies are a great option for those looking for a healthier alternative to candy.

According to the nutrition information, each serving contains only three calories and no added sugar. The package may make it seem like it's fat-free, but unless you can keep your portion size in check, it's still mostly sugar. Candy Corn is another popular Halloween candy that is relatively low in sugar. Each serving contains only 4 grams of sugar, making it a better choice than many other candies.

Candy Rolls are another option that is lower in sugar than many other candies. Each serving contains only 1.5 grams of sugar alcohols, with no added sugar and only three calories per serving. Haribo Goldbears Gummy Bears are also a great option for those looking for a lower-sugar candy. Each serving contains only 4 grams of sugar, making it a much better choice than many other gummy candies. No matter which candy you choose, it's important to remember that they are all still mostly empty calories with little nutritional value.

So while these options may be lower in sugar than many other candies, it's still important to practice moderation and enjoy them in moderation.