When is the Right Age for Children to Take Gummy Vitamins?

When it comes to giving your child a multivitamin supplement, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until your child is 4 years old, unless your child's doctor tells you otherwise. This is the age at which many children transition from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to solid foods, and with any change in diet, new nutrient gaps can arise. For instance, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children up to one year old should take a supplement with 400 IU of vitamin D. As children grow, they often don't meet their vitamin D needs, so it may be beneficial to continue with a vitamin D supplement (at least 600 to 1000 IU) as your child grows.

A children's multivitamin is a great way to address many nutrient deficiencies at once; just make sure it contains vitamin D.If you want to improve your child's health, avoid buying vitamins in the form of gummies. Vitamins and nutrients are essential for children's growth and development, but vitamins that are created with artificial colors, high-fructose corn syrup, and dipped in sugar crystals aren't. In fact, these gummy vitamins can be harmful to children's growth and development, even though the packaging labels them as healthy. They have attracted more than a little attention from dentists around the world. As a general rule, 400-500 IU of vitamin D3 per day is an appropriate therapeutic dose for children between 5 and 12 years old.

While many manufacturers have reduced the sugar content in their vitamin gummies, the gummy material allows sugar to stick to the teeth throughout the day, so even a smaller dose of sugar can cause significant damage. The vitamins in gummies seem to be the perfect quick fix for trying to get kids to take a regular multivitamin. For example, a popular multivitamin gummy product for children contains approximately ½ teaspoon of sugar in two gummies (the dose for older children). This gummy multivitamin is available in several flavors and is recommended for children over 4 years old. In addition, many popular vitamin gummies for children also do not contain iron, which is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies seen in children. If you're trying to treat a specific health condition, vitamin gummies for kids just aren't going to cut it.

One of the main reasons I don't recommend multivitamin gummies for children is because they generally contain fewer nutrients than you might think. Regardless of whether it's multivitamin gummies for kids or a product recommended by a professional, it's not something you should give your child willingly. Liquid multivitamins are a convenient alternative to gummies and tablets, especially for babies and people who eat picky eaters. Just keep in mind that these gummies provide 5 grams (g) of added sugar per serving, which could contribute to excessive sugar intake throughout the day. As you can see, there is a considerable difference in the formulation of these multivitamin gummies for children available on the shelves.