Are Haribo Gummies Gluten-Free? An Expert's Perspective

Haribo candies have been a popular treat for many years, but recently, the company has made changes to their ingredients. As a result, it's important to understand if Haribo gummies are still gluten-free. Please note that this article only applies to Haribo candies in the US. No, Haribo gummy bears are no longer gluten-free.

The company claims that the formula hasn't changed since the 1920s, but that's not entirely true. If you check the official Haribo website, you'll see that most of their candies are considered gluten-free.

As a result, there are endless flavor and shape options, from sour spaghetti gummies to soda-flavored gummies.

Unfortunately, the beloved Haribo gummy bears contain a new ingredient: glucose (MADE FROM WHEAT OR CORN). This means that they are no longer considered gluten-free and can no longer be found on many gluten-free candy lists.

It's important to note that this information only applies to Haribo candies in the US. The ingredients and gluten-free status of Haribo candies can vary from country to country.